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Data analysis & visualisation

Making data-led decisions and sharing information efficiently is key in the rapidly changing business environment. ConsumerView offers bespoke data analysis & visualisation services allowing your business to be agile and collaborative in responding to market changes and understanding your customer.

Multi-source Data Management

Collating, structuring & storing data from various sources both large & small contributing to clean, intelligent & flexible data models. ConsumerView aims to maximize the availability of information within your business.


Dynamic & Bespoke Visualisations

We put emphasis on the idea that the insights from your data should be as accesible, dynamic & specific to your needs as possible. By building multi-platform, cloud-based interactive dashboards we strive to empower people throughout your business with easy, quick & incisive analytics that they can trust carried right in their pocket.


Additional Analytical Support

Optimizing the efficiency of all data processes within your business helps to gain the most value out of your data and in turn greater control of your business operations. In order to achieve this we find that extra help focussed around the way data is collected, used & shared as well as how any analytical learnings can be implemented going forward is integral.


ConsumerView Ltd
4 Farthings Fold, Hanthorpe, Bourne, Lincolnshire, PE10 0RN, United Kingdom