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Privacy statement

Why the privacy statement?

ConsumerView finds it important that your privacy is guaranteed. Therefore, this privacy statement explains how we handle personal data and protect privacy. This privacy statement also shows to what end certain data is used.


Which data does ConsumerView collect?

ConsumerView only collects contact details if the user gives consent for this to happen. These details include the name and e-mail address of the user. We do this in order to make further contact with the user and to keep them updated.


How does ConsumerView collect data?

The collection of contact details only occurs through the completion of the contact form. Without consent from those concerned, ConsumerView does not collect personal data.


What does ConsumerView use the data for?

The contact details are used by ConsumerView solely for making contact once an e-mail message has been received by the users involved.


Where are your details stored?

The details are solely stored in the mailbox. If you later decide that you’d like your personal details removed from the mailbox, then please contact


Who has access to your details?

Only the ConsumerView team has access to the mailbox and the information in it. These details are not passed on to any 3rd parties.


Where can you go to ask questions?

For any questions or complaints about your details and the protection of your privacy, you can contact the ConsumerView coordinator.
